Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mutant Stove

 My very crooked life drawing for November

I tried to give myself less time with this one, and scribbled this out in about 30 minutes, instead of the usual 1-2 hours I take on these. I also didn't try to map out the main ratios and shapes first, which was probably a mistake as well. It's okay though, and was less disappointing when it wasn't pretty, because it didn't take as long. And I feel like I learned a smidge of something, though I can't really pick it out, if that makes sense?

yes, the picture is taken straight on, and the drawing really is that skewed XD


PLUS, I don't know if I wasn't able to concentrate like usual due to using a different brand of pen than my usual, which was a little gummier ink with a different grip? All these variables...haha!


  1. I particularly like the clause, “ I feel like I learned something.” The resulting drawing is not what matters in an exercise, but the learning that goes on through it. So, this is a roaring success. And crooked drawings are quite acceptable, and in very good company. Look at oodles of famous art works. This is not a mechanical drawing for a construction in metal; this is art. You can do what you want. The subject is instantly recognizable, has very pleasing drawing marks, is well structured, and conveys a homey feel. All good.
