Monday, November 9, 2020

Saturday Project

Long overdue...

I don't have much of a fabric stash but what I do have was a mess. An antique trunk has been filled with remnants and stored in my barn for decades. After seeing some of the fabric collections belonging to fellow quilt guild members (closets and bins and rooms full of delicious fabrics!) I resolved to beef up my own collection so that when I am inspired to create I actually have something to work with. With a proper collection on hand I won't need to run to a store in the middle of a project, because who wants to do that now anyway? (Not to mention all the small, independently owned fabric stores that have closed now. Resources are getting scarce.)

So my Saturday project was to organize what I do have that is useful and to discard what is not (which turned out to be almost nothing 😄)

I actually really enjoy organizing things. I think it's a gene. Some people have it and some don't.

Any fabrics that I had in a fat quarter size or larger got folded and stored this way. Any smaller bits worth keeping all went into one bin. After a workshop I took last winter on a particular fabric picture-making technique, I learned that there are creative uses for small bits of fabric. So now I have a good excuse to hoard without shame.

I also finished the borders for this latest project. Last spring I bought a "jelly roll" for the first time- a bundle of pre-cut fabrics strips (this in jewel-colored and pastel batiks in floral designs) that would be a quick source for a creative project without much thinking or planning. I decided to use the strips in a traditional log cabin layout but I have  since thought of other ways to use them and may buy another jelly roll. I recently bought a new-to-me Bernina (Swiss made) sewing machine and I will be learning to use the machine quilting attachments for this twin sized quilt.


  1. Yea! Organizing! Isn’t it great to know what you have, and find what you know you have?
    I am still working on that in my studio move.
    That quilt is in marvelous colors. Lucky somebody.

  2. (Is it a bad thing that the first thing I thought of when I heard you had a new sewing machine was that I want to draw it? XD )
