Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Ready for "Inktober"

 I got way too happy when my new art supplies came in the mail hahaha

metallic paint pen

The paint pen was actually part of a Christmas project plan, but I'm thinking it might be fun to incorporate that into some ink drawing? We shall have to test this theory...



my first actual watercolor block lol I'm excited

 I wanted to try something a little different with my challenge this October, so I'm going to make ACEO cards for the days I join, and then put them up for sale after the month is over. Thus this broke girl's guilty splurging on new supplies, nicer quality than what I have in my stash currently. Does the fact that I've never been able to sell any of my artwork* before in my entire life make this sketchy plan less dubious? Obviously, we care not. XD

 Are you joining the Inktober challenge this year? If so, best wishes, and I hope we get to see some of your pieces!♥

*not including a certain book commission piece, and a certain online class illustration gig :)


  1. Great idea! You can do this: two birds with one stone concept.
    Thanks for reminder about Inktober. I might pull out the pens.

    1. I would love to see your Inktober adventures!!!

  2. It’s a great concept. Keep working at it. Start an Instagram account and just show your progress. You could make prints if your work into cards and journals and sell them. Many people do. ❤️😍☀️

    1. I actually have had an art-only public instagram account for a few years now -- It is a terrible mess of doodles and fanart, haha! I have wondered a couple of times if I shouldn't make a new/secondary account that's a little neater... XD

      I can't make cards or prints right now, since I don't have a scanner or a good camera, but yes, that's something to keep in mind if any of my works actually spark interest! Thanks! ♥
