Saturday, September 17, 2022



After a two year hiatus, annual concerts are back. One group we regularly patronize had their fall concert this evening in the Predigerkirche in the old town. Katrina went with me to listen. It was marvelous again.

We went to the steeple in the left edge in the photo. 
The skies were threatening rain, but it held off until our ride arrived after the concert. I think every church in Zürich had a concert this evening, because all the bells were ringing, people in fancy duds were heading purposefully down sidewalks, among meandering tourists, and afterward there were traffic jams in the tiny streets as everyone tried to leave at once. But it was all very civil.

The lighted buildings were lovely in the dark after the concert, but my picture taker does not like the dark, so this is a pre-concert view. 

This was the venue. The choir had not yet entered. They were a few more than  40 people. All volunteers, singing for the love of it, putting in months of practice, and giving us their hearts for the evening. So too, the four soloists. All the words were in Latin. (I TOLD you it is handy to study Latin.)
There was also a string orchestra, with two cellos, and one bass. With them were a small organ, two French horn players, one brave lady playing a recorder for the whole concert (she must have amazing lungs), and a small drummer with wild white hair and big drums and big enthusiasm. The concert director is an old man who seems like he can’t last one more year, but he always does. 

Coming in late November, for Advent, by this same director, is the annual Christmas Story concert by candlelight in the Fraumünster, with two choirs on opposite ends of the church, a children's choir, two organs, and an assortment of chamber orchestras. Singers are positioned throughout the church at different points for a full immersion Story experience.
You are invited to come.


  1. Wow. I’d love to. After thanksgiving? ❤️ Mary

  2. Reserve tickets for us! We’ll be there with bells on !!
