Monday, December 18, 2017

Advent 18


18. Alpha

The word Alpha signifies the first in a series. It is the first letter of the Greek (and several Greek-derived) alphabets. It is followed by Beta, Gamma, Delta, all the way to the end. None of the other letters was chosen to be first. The order is not mix and match, changing from day to day. Alpha is always first, throughout history and for millions upon millions of people. All kinds of confusion would ensue if Alpha were not first; then meaning would change or cease to exist, because the establish order would be gone. (yes, letters can be scrambled, but that is the key word, scrambled means out of order! And all informed people know what the proper order should be so that Alpha retains its meaning in words.) So too, our Savior is the first of The Sons of Man, the One who Leads, the One who establishes order, The One sets meaning that others must follow in order for any communication to happen. He was selected to be First by His almighty Father, and He could be nothing less than first, nor could anyone else precede Him, for He is is also True God. Thus all our meaning is based on His meaning. All knowledge follows Him. Anything that is comprehensible is only so because He makes it so. Everything else is nonsense, in the fullest sense of the word. So when the someone says the created order can be set aside or ignored, that is truly nonsense.

Revelation 1: 8; 21: 6

Christmas Cake

Gift from an office. It is a cream layer cake with chocolate shavings. The words mean Happy Holidays .

1 comment:

  1. Note: Everyone was too busy for contests.
    Enjoy your days though.
