Saturday, December 2, 2017

Amsterdam Viewing

Museum Tour

My family gave me a gift of a trip to Amsterdam to visit art museums. (That is like going to Chicago/Denver/Atlanta for you in US. Close.) Maria is in charge. We had a lovely day today meeting Rembrandt, figuratively. Following are some photos of the city and where we went.
At the airport.....

Centraal Train Station (they like vowels here). It was very foggy today, atmospheric.

A church across the way.

Rembrandt Huis Museum, where he lived and worked and trained apprentices. We both decided we would be happy to live in that house, narrow, winding staircases notwithstanding. This is the entrance hall where Rembrandt had paintings for sale, mostly by other artists. He was a dealer, too.

The Amsterdam Hermitage, with Dutch pairings on loan from Russia, where Dutch paintings were bought up by the bucketloads.

Night time in Advent.

I almost filled a sketchbook today with drawings from various paintings. Maria was very patient, so I could take my time. I will get pictures of those to share later.


  1. Wow! What a thoughtful, memorable birthday gift! Amsterdam has such a reputation, I have to say art museum doesn't come to mind, so thanks for this enlightening tour! Rembrandt an art dealer? 😮 Interesting!

  2. I would highly recommend anyone with an interest in art to visit Amsterdam. The food we had was excellent, too.

  3. I did notice a pungent and pervasive smell when we entered the city and commented to Maria it was like burning weeds. "Yes, Mom," she said. "Weed."
    Oh. Of course. But I was thinking of better things.
