Thursday, October 3, 2019

Museum Visit Encore

Hello from Colorado 

I am in the States now for family business, but here are some more pretties from my visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum a bit ago.

The famous Three Graces

This photo is terrible, of a small painting under glass, but the expression is perfect: the painting is entitled “A Naughty Child.”

Queen Victoria herself, or a good likeness anyway.

This is what one gives to one’s queen to celebrate her jubilee. Gold plated silver, from a military company. 

The photo is through glass, but that is the museum experience. You can still see the amazing craftsmanship of the sculpture.

Putti contemplating mortality with some marvelous reflections in a mirror.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That naughty child is fantastic! Sorry I haven't been commenting, but I am enjoying your photos...
