Sunday, December 15, 2019

Advent 15


In this third week of Advent we focus on the joy our Savior’s coming gives us. While we are called to repent and while we need forgiveness, we can truly rejoice that the remedy is gained for us. 

The Virgin Mary, when given the surprising announcement of her role as mother of the Christ Child said this, 
My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior..... for He that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is His name. 

All of us can pray the same.

Cloister Visit

Maria and I went to Einsiedeln this afternoon, to look, to stroll, to enjoy some tea. 

The medieval Cloister

The "open arms" in front of the Church 
In front of the cloister church goods shop, in which we found some marvellous nativity wood carvings.

The stable building. This cloister is famous for its own breed of Einsiedler sport horses. These in the picture are boarders, not the cloister's breed.

This is not an Einsiedler horse.

Bringing in the horses for evening feeding.

The horses get turned out in little paddocks during the day....

..... in a courtyard of the long halls.

Inside the cathedral, as an evening worship service was about to start.

The beautifully renovated baroque ornamentation.

Goodbye, cloister; hello, tea.

And cookies