Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

We Benefited 

While most of the celebrations today are about green beer, corned beef and cabbage, and green leprechauns with gold and rainbows, we really do have a reason to celebrate this day. It was the Irish monks, people like Patrick, who literally saved civilization, who preserved the ancient manuscripts, who were tough enough and motivated enough to take the Gospel to the pagans moving into the vacuum left by the departing Romans. Our Germanic ancestors were brought the Gospel by Irish monks. Our people became Christians through the mission work of strangers in a strange land who cared that others heard the good news they had. It would be well to review that history in our families today, of how God worked our salvation through the hardships others took on to do the Lord’Has work. 
Then enjoy your greens and gold with meaning. 

From this

On a day with no emerald hills.

This is the sun shining through water droplets on the birches, as the snow from last night melts in the sun, after the heavy fog burns off.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sarah for sharing a good reason to celebrate this day. Our gold is in the gospel shared by the faithful. Let’s all do the same in our own pagan land.
