Wednesday, November 23, 2022



One day the minstrel boy came to town and saw a wretched Kobold trying to drag off a tiny sprite into the forest. The sprite squealed. The Kobold growled. And the minstrel boy began to play his pipe. The Kobold’s eyes glared, but his feet began to to tap and slide. The minstrel  boy quickened the tempo. The Kobold howled, but his feet stomped and his legs jumped. And the poor sprite was swung to and fro. The minstrel boy played faster and faster. The Kobold screeched and whirled and his hands flung wide. And the sprite flew through air. When he landed, he clambered up the stone steps, and through the great oak door. When he had disappeared, the minstrel boy led the wildly dancing Kobold into the forest. And to this day, if you go into that forest, you will hear the sound of dancing feet. 

This was from a while ago. 
How many faces do you find?