Saturday, July 21, 2018

And One More

Meditation Way Chapel

After leaving the St. Martin and cave chapels, and the monks house.....

The monk's hermitage and garden

..... One follows the walking path to another chapel.

past the crosses

To this house and church

The door into the church

Looking toward the chancel

Floor tombs of the family who built this chapel long ago.

Statue on one side of the chancel

The altar

Behind the altar is this box structure, with a very low door. It represents The New Jerusalem. One needs to be humble to enter.

It is bare inside except for this.

Then one walks on to a restaurant and a shed with a huge rock wagon that used to be used in a nearby quarry.

The END of this excursion


  1. Where there very many umbrellas outside the church door?

  2. In this country everyone is trained to put his or her umbrella at the door before going in, to keep the interior dry, and pick it up on the way out. No one bothers them. In Japan they do the same with shoes, and slippers are provided for guests or customers.

  3. Such an excursion! Thanks for sharing!
