Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Verena's Place

A Walk in Solothurn

Recently on an excursion, we visited a scenic walking park named for a Swiss saint. I will tell her story in another post, after these introductory pictures of a beautiful landscape, beautifully embellished.
Start here, go left. It was a wet drizzling day.

In earlier years there was a Stations of the Cross walk here, but over time the  stations rotted away , so in the refurbishing some more modern semi-cross sculptures were put up and the walk was re-named a Meditation Path (to be inclusive, you know).

This area is a rocky river bed with numerous caves and interesting outcroppings. The Paths follow the winding stream, which for most of the way is a double stream on both sides of the path. .

Also along the way are plaques about important  historical people of the area who contributed to the  park or the well-being of the area.

Every bend was scenic.

This is an old crucifix salvaged from somewhere.

One of numerous caves (blocked off now). People actually lived in these in early days.

All three of the next photos are of the same spot, all worthy of a painting – which to chose....

A lovely little bridge

Waterfall after waterfall, and this is just the start. 

More to come.

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