Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Berlin Strolls, Part Two

Formal Garden

Ordinary flowers but extraordinary setting.

A double AlleeBäume path, both sides

Exit guards

Mosaic in a subway going back

This means Flea Market, but it was just closing down.

This is an abandoned airport, Templehof, now used for recreation.

Snow White and her dwarf

Have space? Add immigrant housing.

Have sky space? Fly kites.

On the walk back we saw this tree in a corral. Somebody said the corral was actually seating, but I think it was to keep the tree from wandering off.

End of Berlin posts.


  1. Ah, what a good idea, trees are always very wild it's surprising more aren't kept in corals. :)

  2. Yes, Quite so! Ents and such especially.

  3. Hahaha! Gotta watch those wondering trees!
