Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Random Alice in Wonderland Drawing

Item 1: I have kind of this low-key years-long obsession with Alice in Wonderland. The book and it's sequel at least, not really the Disney animated movie, haha.

Item 2: Looking through my most recent sketchbook, I realized I hadn't practiced any manga-style doodles in a while.

These two items combined with other random stuff in my head to form this idea for a drawing that I was immediately on board with. I got out my manga drawing book and set to work on the rough sketch, since I was not working and had plenty of time left in the day, haha!

Sorry if you can't see much on the page -- my pencil sketches are usually pretty light lol

While it didn't come out as AWESOME as it was in my head (only about 25% of the awesomeness morphed onto the page poorly), and it is not terribly manga-y, it was still a lot of fun to do (Once I got past the part about 10% into the project, where it was clear it was not going the way I wanted it to, and I had to get over the frustration and try a less-ambitious angle to work toward, haha).

I forgot to take in-progress photos after the first one of the beginning sketch, but here's the final product:

Here are a few close-ups. Sorry my photography skills were not the best they've been, haha.

Alice - looks more scared than surprised? lol

The White Rabbit

Hedgehog - I kind of really want to make an amigurumi version of this hedgehog now. I've got half the design formed in my head already lol

That's all for now! I probably won't post next week. I'm not sure about the following weeks, but next week I'm pretty much freaking out about going on my trip for three months, haha, and I'll be busy packing, and getting last minute stuff taken care of, and things. :D


  1. HAH! That IS what happens when people are focused on earphones. Clever working of the rabbit hole idea.
    You have good gradations of light and charming details. It is probably quite all right if Alice looks frightened, because who wouldn't be falling down a hole? She does have elements of surprise, too, in her expression. Good work on the arm perspectives.

    No freaking out about trips, OK? It will be all right.

    1. Just now seeing this comment -- thank you very much! :)
