Friday, October 16, 2020

Virtual Quilt Show

 Hey y’all !

My quilt guild has an annual quilt show every October. This year they decided to have an online Virtual Quilt Show rather than an in-person, tactile experience as usual (I’ll let you guess why that absurdity)

The positive side of that is that anyone from anywhere can view the beautiful projects that were completed in sewing rooms here this year. Follow this link to view.

This year I actually completed some quilts (I don’t usually!) but I don’t get to have a public, in person display. Oh well. Three quilts are in the “Wall-Pieced” section. One is in “Art Quilt- Realistic”

This quilt show is ONLY THIS WEEKEND- Friday, Saturday and Sunday so don’t delay taking a look! Lots to inspire and delight!


  1. I am home, and I am heading to the show. Thanks, Pam!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I would have voted for your Golden Harvest quilt, but was too late for the Faborites contest. Which one won?
