Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Traveling IX

In the Town

From the start of the Industrial Revolution to now, this town has had its chief industry in making tobacco products. The town has existed though for a very long time. Some of the old farmsteads by the church were actually fortified farms from before the Thirty Years War in the first half of the 1600’s. They had high walls and moats and defenses. Subsequently they were modified when those were no longer need, but vestiges remain.

The local church has an interesting history, having started as a simple single-nave-and-steeple structure, then evolving into a cruciform with a bigger nave added perpendicular to the old, and several additions in height added to the steeple, which appears like it is not finished even now, but may still grow.

The part facing us here is the new nave. The old is behind it. 

Pretty flower arrays grace all Swiss towns in the summer.

The once-chief-watering hole, where all the factory workers gathered after work, now sadly empty.

And - finally - I got to see some of the horses native to this region, Freibergers. 

Then it threatened to rain. Heavy rains had been forecast for all week, but we were blessed with perfect weather for our hike, so having held off that long, we didn’t mind.

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