Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Traveling VIII

The Rest of the Forest and Orange Creatures

Shortly after the wood sculptures ended, we came to some buildings. We read that they used to be a Swiss military post to look over the border and spy on the Germans in France during the War. We were right at the border. The area is now a Forsthaus for outdoor events, picnics, and such. 

The watch tower.

One of the grill areas.

Otherwise noted in the French form (elsewhere on the trail):

The next half of the Forest trail was simply a path through the trees, a great to joy to heart of a Michigander. These paths  though are major factors better than any paths I had in the woods growing up. 

It was somewhat marred by the infestation of large, bright orange slugs from the recent rains. (You can see them in some of the previous posts’ pictures.) I have never seen such a bright color in those critters. 

Eventually the trail meandered past what was once a labyrinth……

…. And then down to the town. 

To be continued.


  1. Very pretty way to wander through a forest. Slugs are a tasty treat for birds I would imagine. 🍄🦜🐛

  2. Ooh, very pretty trail! Ew! Those slugs though!? They're probably poisonous, being so brightly colored, huh?
