Monday, June 21, 2021


The Jura

Better Half and I are taking a late anniversary trip to the western part of Switzerland (the rolling foothills and pasture lands famous for fine horses - and dinosaur bones - in the area called The Jura).

We visited the old medieval town of St. Ursanne, then got a room in fine villa-turned-hotel that used to belong to a wealthy tobacco farming family with strong ties to the Swiss military. 

This is not a good photo, but the scene was rather amazing. That hole in the rock is the size of church. The tall bridge in front of it is for the train. 

The French-speaking part of Switzerland.

This is the Jura, a series of rocky ridges, with rolling farmland between. Or, in this case a River and a town.

These flower boxes keep cars off the narrow bridge leading into the town. 

A steady rain had started after hours of clouding over and rumbles as we were driving, so we headed to the church, always a good place to while away a rain shower.
Note the new cobblestones being put in to repair the street. 

More to follow….

1 comment:

  1. Great scenery leading into town. Gives an anticipation.
