Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Happy February

More Sourdough Bread

It looks quite bad, but it tastes good and the texture is decent - not hard, not gummy, quite edible. Now I need to figure out what I didn’t do right. As you can see, Better Half dove right in to try it after the required minimum cooling of one hour was up. He approves it. Nice of him.


  1. Why do you think you did something wrong? It looks like you baked them in containers instead of as a boule' and that is acceptable. The crumb looks good and it tastes good, so what is wrong?

  2. What is wrong is the rising. They fell in the middle and didn’t rise and open in the oven. Maybe they should have had more rising time before baking. Maybe the cutting disturbed them too much. Maybe some step wasn’t done right or long enough. No idea. SMB
