Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Ink, Hat, and Chibi

From Leah:

From Sarah:

I finished knitting that hat I mentioned before:

It's kind of lumpy and crooked, but it works. XD

I doodled with a pen, too. Chibi renditions of some of the characters from Stefan Bachmann's The Peculiar, haha… I didn't intend them for sharing, but I have been a slacking drawing-child again the past week. Busy trying to read German-language comic books. Tsk, tsk.


  1. Finally I can read comments and respond.
    Your hat is beautiful.
    Your Peculiar characters are charming.
    Good work, Leah, on keeping up with the ink work. You have creative ideas.
    Thanks for the posts, Sarah.

  2. That hat is adorable and so professional! Didn't you just start knitting? Wow!

    1. Thank you! I have been knitting for quite a while, but very sporadically compared with my crocheting -- like once a year if that -- and I am just now getting comfortable enough with the basics to start tackling some more complicated patterns. :)

  3. The hat is impressive! I have only really learned to knit this year and I'm still working on a holey, lumpy scarf, haha.

    1. Thanks! That's awesome; you've got this, and just like anything else, it gets better with practice. :)
