Monday, October 8, 2018

Mongolian Museum

Continued - Music

The lower centre flute is from a human thighbone


Percussion, note the shells

Mongolian fiddle, with horsetail strings and horse head decoration.
This played somewhat like a cello, but on the lap

A very large lap cringed interment, often played by women

Fun and Games

Because horses were a vital part of Mongolian culture, horse races would also be. Because the horses were so small, tiny 4 and 5 year old boys would be put up as jockeys, as you see here.

Wrstling was a popular sport, too. Here are the clothes of a wrestler. Note the open chested shirt. We were told that a woman once competed, until she was found out, so ever after, shirts were of this sort, to prevent such usurpations. Those underpants have draw strings on them, so the people were not really that huge.

This is an exquisite ivory chess set, with every piece different. 

Mongolians take great pride in their puzzle-making and -solving skills, especially of this wood block sort. Specialists make complicated ones like these.

This is some sort of a domino game, I think.

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