Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April Life Drawing

I took my favorite shoes and tossed them into a pile one pair at a time, several times, until I got a sort-of-chaotic-and-yet-not-glaringly-messy arrangement, and used that to draw from. It was kind of fun trying to imitate the different textures, but also things turned out kind of crooked and incorrectly proportioned...not by much, still a little annoying though.

In art school, the final projects have begun, and they are still too close to not even existing to share yet. A graph here, a ghostly sketch there, the base layer of only one color on another, etc.

I can't believe May is getting so close already.


  1. Fun sketch! You know... it would be okay to share some work-in-progress shots... we all like seeing the process.

    1. Thanks, Katie! I should try to remember about in-progress shots! :D When I am doing my life drawings, I usually get into a rather concentrating state of mind and lose track of time, haha.
