Friday, April 26, 2019

Watercolor Hydrangeas

I just completed one more Skillshare class before I let my membership lapse for the spring and summer.  The subject was a hydrangea with reference photo provided.

 The instructor has a lovely blending technique which is very precise and detailed and took a lot of practice for me.  I usually paint much more loosely, so this was a challenge.  I feel I really learned a lot about blending and controlling the paint and values.  

I do not like how rough the edges of the petals are... it really looks better from a distance and doesn't bear close inspection so well.  I used a very toothy cotton paper, and I wonder if hot press paper would give me cleaner edges.

I have my line drawing on a separate sheet of paper which I traced onto my watercolor paper, so I may actually try this again and see if I can improve.  It really was a fun project, though it took much longer than I expected.

And just for grins'n'giggles, I used the leftover paint on my palette to try a loose hydrangea with my triangle brush.

It's not very realistic, but it was fun to try.  I would have to experiment with it some more to figure this out and improve the technique.  I may also try it with an angled shader to get a more "hydrangea-shaped" petal. (Okay, "bract."  Technically, hydrangeas don't have petals, to be a little more scientific.)

1 comment:

  1. Woooooowwwww!

    Really, really great! So much depth of color and contrast with watercolors! Love!!
