Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Art School Finals - In Progress

Just a few quick work-in-progress pics of finals work for art school. Next week is the last week to work on things, then the following week is the exhibit already; and I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to finish everything in time, but I'm going to try!

Pen-and-ink, with not a drop of ink on it yet *laughs nervously*

for perspective, (one-point)

this is what it looked like about 5 hours of work later... (more than 6, if you add the short breaks in)

 Also this last week, I went to make some shortcake lemon cheesecake bars, but our lemon had gone bad, so I added some crushed almonds instead for variety, and then messed up while adding the ingredients and compensated by winging the rest, and then when it came out looking nothing like what I was going for, I was highly suspicious; but I was delightfully surprised that the product of my botched labors was actually quite edible. It didn't last more than a week.

happy accidents, not very pretty, but yummy XD


So that is that.