Monday, May 20, 2019

Watercolor 260


This is a variation of a  previous one, and I like it better. 

To answer a question about the earlier one, whether it is intended to evoke thoughts of fog on a river, the answer is “yes” and it could be anything else that comes to your mind. I thought of  a peninsula on a lake, maybe on a hot and hazy summer day. Art works can bring up different associations for different people, and that is good.

On another note, these latest small works are on “ rough” watercolor paper, and I find I much prefer this texture to smooth. I like the minuscule pools of color on the surface.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I like that about rough paper, too! The "tooth" adds such interesting effects in the paint. What I find I mind most, though, is if the paper is cotton or cellulose. Cotton (costing at least a million dollars) is so amazing to paint on. But when I get some, I hoard it, waiting for something good enough to use it on....
