Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Rest of My "Urban Sketch" Picture

In part of the last post I did, I had started on a drawing that I wanted to try in ink and watercolor, and today, I am happy to show you that it is finished!

I even remembered to take an In-Progress shot, between inking and erasing the pencil lines, and adding watercolor:

A little crooked and warped, but I am fairly happy with how it turned out. :)

Although, I'm not quite sure I should count this as my Life Drawing for the month, because only the initial pencil sketching was done from life, and then the lines were so light that I had trouble figuring out where they were a week later, and some of it had gotten a tad smudged...


  1. I think it turned out great!
    Evelyn was thrilled that you put her in it.

  2. I was going to ask if that was Evelyn!
    And is that a street corner in Stevenson?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yep!

    Evelyn's drawing (see last post, linked in beginning of post above) was from the same corner, too, just a slightly different angle, since she was sitting in a different place a little ways from me. :)
