Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Final Countdown

Sorry to interrupt what will surely be a wonderful series of art lessons from Sarah but I have been intending to give an update of creative wedding endeavors around here. The wedding is two days away. Tomorrow the blitz begins and I will not be able to do anything else until next week. Here are just a few glimpses of what we've been doing.

Much food preparations were done in advance with items then frozen. They will be thawed and finished in the next two days. These were little hand pie appetizers, appropriate because the bride, my daughter, has been my main hand pie making helper for many years. We simply had to have them on the menu. These little bites were filled with roasted cauliflower, hazelnuts, garlic, rosemary and Manchego cheese.

We ended up making 300 of them!

Last weekend the groom came to visit his betrothed. At the time he arrived we were occupying the little boys with simple water color sets. He joined in the fun. These little boys are going to escort the three flower girls in the wedding (yes, three!) I can't wait to see how adorable the little couples will be in their wedding finery. The groom's name is Andrew and so is my grandson in the middle. Big Andrew and Little Andrew got along well. Evan is in the red shirt and painted rainbows prolificly.

All weddings have their "special" moments. Here is one for the memory book. We prepared two big "slab" pies that served fifty slices. They were unbaked and ready to be frozen (I'll bake them Friday) so I had a certain someone put them in my car to take to my neighbor's freezer (mine are full). That certain someone left the car open while he went inside to get more goods. My dog wanted to go on the trip too so he jumped into the car.......and walked on the pies. The kids then got to enjoy Paw Print Pie Pastries and I got to "enjoy" making more crusts for the pies.

Creative endeavors for the decor and flower girls. The ribbon will drape on the front of the head table.

Today I took an afternoon to spend with the bride and her attendants getting prettied up for the nuptials. I had my first ever manicure (a "French" manicure) and decided I actually really like the results. I think a certain artist I know with long lovely nails should try this out too. Creativity comes in many forms. 

Tomorrow the real wedding mania begins. We will be finishing all the food preparation of a menu for 100 guests and reviewing all the little details. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Pam, you are marvelous... such scrumptious eats and such pretty decorations. The color scheme will be impressive.
    I don't envy you remaking the stepped-on pie, but I can say the same thing happened to me with a cake headed to Maria's house.
    I really like the boys' paintings (you can show us finished works?) and your nails. It is good you had some pampering time.
    Heartiest best wishes on the next two days. Hang in there.
