Thursday, May 19, 2016

Other Opportunities

On-line Classes

Some of you - Pam probably not included - may have opportunity and inclination to delve into art or craft projects this summer. Many on-line classes exist for people who do not want to or cannot go somewhere for a fun art retreat, of which there are many also. In the spirit of encouragement, which is the essence of this blog, I will list some available sources for such classes - interspersed with some pages from my sketchbook from the recent excursion.

This was a view in the castle courtyard.

To PUSH you to do more than think about maybe getting around to making some creative projects this summer, I will offer a "scholarship" for somebody for a class of your choice. Some of these offerings are good for families to do with children (maybe girls more than boys for most, but not all). Some might not be your preferred style of person teaching, but the content can be quite helpful and motivating anyway, so give it thought, even if a teacher looks a little goofy. They try hard to assume personas that look lively.

These were from the stained glass and glass painting exhibits in Romont.

Most of these classes are on-going for numbers of weeks. Many of them allow lifetime access after registration. Some have video-purchase offerings. You can check these, but if you know of something else comparable and would like to suggest it, do so.




Check back, because I may add more links.

These were miniature glass paintings, very detailed.

Scholarship Application

1. Decide what you would like to do and find a class for it.
2. Write an essay of any length you deem appropriate describing what you would like to do   and how the class would help that.
3. Offer to submit  a weekly update to the blog here (ah, the catch, of course - yes, we want to see!) of your progress and projects. 
4. Send this essay to me by e-mail.
5. Do art while you wait for reply and show your enthusiasm!

From framed glass paintings

Due Date

 Because I will be gone from June 3 to 10 (wedding in Italy!), it would probably be best to get this done before then. So let's say the essays should be in before June. That gives you most of two weeks to think, look, and write.
Due by Tuesday, May 31.


If anyone applies - and don't see why many of you would not apply - I will read through the papers and pick someone purely subjectively. If more than one looks very worthy - who knows - I may offer two.

Let's do art! 

From a landscape painting and a large stained glass panel.



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