Sunday, May 1, 2016

Welcoming and Wondering


She has arrived, tired, but with intact smile.


Today we enjoyed the creativity of some very talented young people. The Schweizer Jugend Sinfonie Orchester played Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 9 in Zürich. It is one of the early "modern" works in symphony. It has elements of folk songs and bombastic clashes, nods to Beethovan and Wagner with twists, and lots of percussion. The drummer was busy. The orchestra numbered just shy of a hundred highly accomplished musicians from all over Switzerland.

Of course I couldn't take pictures in the concert hall, but this gives a flavor of the place.

The end of the fourth (the last) movement was very soft, with just a few instruments playing at a time in sequences, then softer, then the director put his hands in front of himself so we could not see if he was moving them or not, then the tones got so very soft we were wondering if we were hearing anything... listening... waiting.... all holding breath....wondering....

Then someone decided it was done and clapped.
That is really involving the audience in the piece.

And Flowers again -

Still-beautiful bouquet.


  1. Ah, yes! Our orchestra has performed a lot of Mahler (and I played percussion with them) but not the ninth symphony. It takes a lot of technical skill to fade out and disappear like that.

    I like all the variety in your bouquet including the "wild" forget me nots and bleeding hearts. The best bouquets have lots of textural differences, I think.

  2. You played Mahler? That's quite an accomplishment.
    I really like the bouquet too and would love to paint sections of it from life, but have too much happening here right now, so I'm taking reference shots for maybe later - I Hope. I keep thinking it is time to do some serious art, but I still don't have the uninterrupted blocks of time (say, something more than twenty minutes before somebody or something needs something)that I need to concentrate.
