Sunday, August 14, 2022

Georgia, Day Eight, Part Two

Interior Visit 

Last night, on our walk down to the town, we stopped to see the interior of the Bagrati church, while it was open. 
It isn’t lavish, but does have the typical appointments. Low light, so low photo quality. 

St. George icons everywhere in Georgia, like in Russia.

We also stopped brief in the St. George church close by. A liturgy was going on. As one enters the church, there is a small picture of what looked a copy of the famous classical Napoleon on Marengo painting by David. It turns out it was an icon of St. George copied from that painting. No photo, of course.

We went to the, big market again, then found dinner. Dinner was Georgian on English china.

Note the local wine is also called Bagrati, but it is a family name in this case.




“Assorted Georgian Sweets.” Napoleon honey cake, a fruit pudding, nuts, seeds, etc.

Monument in evening light on the walk back uphill.

1 comment:

  1. Just love seeing your pictures. Thkx much. Mary ☀️😊
