Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ruth and Rush


The figure for the Jesse Tree today is Ruth. Another lovely name, would you agree? It means "friend" or "companion," and though a foreigner, so she was to her mother-in-law, Naomi. This faithfulness - "your people shall be my people, and your God my God" - brought her to the place and time to get her in the family that led to King David and eventually to Jesus. Note also that her mother-in- law by marriage to Boaz was Rahab, who, like Ruth herself, was an outsider brought into the family of God's people by grace and active faith. Note also that both of these gentile women were deemed by God to be worthy of mention in the Holy Word's recording of the male-line genealogy of Jesus.

Verses for today:
The book of Ruth
Matthew 1: 5

Advent Calendars

Behind one window today was this picture of sharing:

and in the other, this storybook

The story is about three sons, the youngest of which is called Dummling, who each in turn go to the forest to chop trees and are asked to share their lunches with an old little man. Only the youngest does and is rewarded with a golden goose, to which anyone else will stick fast who tries to touch it or anyone touching it. This results in a string of people behind the young man going home, which a sad princess sees and which makes her laugh, with the resulting wedding.

Finished Plates

This is what the plates I made last week look like fired:

Now is the home stretch and countdown to Christmas and the last rush to accomplish everything - like writing Christmas services, finally.

NOTE: Last night I got to see Amber's painting work-in-progress, and it is gorgeous. She will share pictures when it is finished, about Christmas time, she said.

Note also yesterday's post, if you haven't yet and if you like getting something in the mail.

And one more note: the next picture on the print-out pages of figures is not in order chronologically. The figures of Solomon and Jesse should be reversed.


  1. The plates are lovely. You seem to really enjoy those glass projects, I'm wondering if the angel plate is slightly under fired? It doesn't seem to have fluxed as much as the others. Is that because the opaque glass needs a higher temp? Does the studio tech ever refire them to get more flux? Just wondering about the technical details.

  2. This is a good question, but I don't know the answer or even see what you are talking about. I have no experience with firing. I do think that the plates are fired twice, once to fuse the glass and again to shape it. I also know that multiple pieces are fired at once and the kiln may need a middle-of-the-road temperature to accommodate all the various types of pieces.
    What should the glass look like, so I know what to look for next time? I just do it for design enjoyment, not for in-depth technical expertise.
