Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Seventh Day of Christmas and Sylvester

On the Seventh day of Christmas my true gave to me
Seven swans a swimming,
Six geese a laying,
Five gold rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves, 
And a partridge in a pear tree.


Yesterday a few tiny angels got their wings and are ready to fly to new homes, some leaving today, and some after the New Year holiday.


Today is a neighbor boy's birthday. We half adopted him when his single mother died, and Thom is celebrating with him. So - "Mom, would you wrap this gift?" Ooops. Mom has no gift wrap for a boy for a birthday, and no one wants his birthday just to be an extension of Christmas, so - time to get creative, and disguise the recycled paper.

Today is also Sylvester and the end of this year. For us it will have a fondue/raclette dinner with guests. Time to clean house and concoct a menu.
And you?

As the Swiss say: Guten Rutsch: We wish you a good slide into the New Year.


  1. Nice wrapping! I hope he appreciated it. I'll have to ask the Kid what he got him. A book? Sinan is going to turn into a bright and proper reader. :-)

  2. We are going to have fondue this evening also!
    Happy new year to all!

  3. OOps. I see a moved line at the beginning that I didn't notice before - no proof reading yesterday - but I'll correct it.

    Thanks, Maria, for the compliment. Evidently Sinan likes his book.

    Did you have a big family get-together with your Fondue, Pam?
    Our dinner was very enjoyable with our Serbian guests. Fascinating conversation with them. Everybody should go to Serbia and meet the fine people and learn some more history about "border countries" that get the brunt of invasions and bear the burdens of defense. All the fake "refugees" are going through Serbia, five million, we hear, 70% young males and quite well-to-do.
