Friday, February 17, 2017

Felted Flower

Something New

Some new crafting books, and the first flowers peeking out, inspired an attempt at a new technique. Actually I have done this once before long ago, but needed a refresher. I have done some needle felting in the past summers, but this was wet felting, an entirely different process.

Early Primulas

First snowbells

Materials: wool, soap, bubble wrap


Lay out four layers of pulled wool, fibre direction criss-crossed

Arrange decorative fibres

Add  centre sparkle fibres

Felt lightly into place with felting needle (a special barbed needle, like a fishhook)

Add contrasting fibres around centre

lightly needle into place

With wool pile on bubble wrap, wet and soap the wool with hot water, work in well, but don't scrub.

Roll wool in bubble wrap and start working the packet, lightly at first, rolling and pressing

After some minutes of working, unroll, pull gently into shape, turn the wool, so it doesn't stretch in only one direction. Re-roll and work more.

After working the wool some more, open the packet, shape edges, and turn and flip. Repeat until wool fibres are well interlocked.

Put wool on felting block, bottom side up, and add more color. This probably should have been done in the beginning. Lightly felt with needle to hold, then work in soapy water in bubble wrap.

Let ends remain loose over edges.

Check for interlock by pinching top. If no loose fibres come up, then it is done.

Begin to form cup shape, by gathering bottom and lightly needling.

The work the cup shape over a finger. When formed, rinse well in hot water to get ALL the soap out, then rinse in cold water, re-shape....

... and put in small container to dry in a warm place.

It will get a couple finishing touches when it is dry.


  1. I wish we were seeing flowers around here. The snow is covering most of the ground though. Love the felted flower!!!

  2. Fascinating! I have never worked with wool until just last week when I went to a felting party... I have been meaning to get a post up about that. Maybe today... Anyway, now I am interested in trying more felting and I want to get a little supply on dyed wool on hand to play with. I will have to try this technique.

    1. What a coincidence. Do show! Besides books, there are many posts on the internet about various techniques for felting in both kinds and combinations of wet and needle.
